

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Different way to be a good mom...

It is has been a crazy last month or so raising Aiden Murphy and getting into the routine of being parents. Being a mother is amazing! I am learning so much but I want to touch on one thing that I have learned that has been more beneficial than anything... Exercise is an important part of parenting! 

As my blog readers know, last year I took the plunge (literally into a pool and learned how to swim) and joined a triathlon team. I was scared to death that I would not want to make time for triathlon training or exercise once the baby arrived and I would disappoint the team. It is true my priorities are a little different but something really miraculous happened... My Training Makes Me A Better Mom! 

One of the first swim practices that I attended, one of my fellow team mates that is nurse practitioner said that her advice to all new moms is "make sure you get out and exercise." It helps regulate your hormones and wards off postpartum depression. Although I do not have pregnancy hormones, adoption hormones are no joke LOL! Trust me they are up down and all around! I have made it a point to train at least 4 days per week and usually up to 6 days per week. The last few days, Aiden was not feeling too well and was fussy so I thought I better stay home all weekend. He did not sleep for 2 nights and I thought well I will lay down early rather than going for a swim. Bad decision. The next night, night 3 of minimal sleep I decided to leave and go workout for an hour. That night I came home and was relaxed while he cried, I was able to wake up easier and less frustrated throughout the night. I woke up feeling more rested even though I did not get any sleep and I was able to smile and enjoy time with my sweet angel rather than beg for him to lay down so I could take a nap.

I am not the first person to ever notice, this correlation. One of my other team mates introduced me last week to a book called Spark. It is about the correlation of exercise, physical education and proper health. It really make sense, when we exercise we are able to make more neural connections therefore we learn better, we are more alert, and we ward off depression. 

I just wanted to take this time to say, exercise is important. It is hard as a new mom, everything you read says do this to be a good parent, don't do that. I really want parents (moms and dads) to know that exercise is important to make time for yourself. You do not have to run a marathon, lose a bunch of weight, or bike 100 miles; just find something you love! It does not matter if you go for walk, do a group class, do olympic style lifting, train for a triathlon but find something that fulfills you

Thank you to #TeamIlliana for helping me find my exercise passion and family. Thank you for helping me be a better mom! Let's change the world and show people that activity does not take time away from your life and family... IT GIVES IT BACK! 
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