

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

So many things to say...

There are many people out there that I know blog on a regular basis but never post! I have been one of those people for months now. I literally have 48 blogs sitting in my draft pile. I am not sure if I will post them but maybe in the future I will. I love all the topics but there are sometimes that we have to keep silent...

So how do we decide when to share and when to stay silent? It has been a very difficult choice for me! My son is the cutest thing you have every seen and I literally have over 1100 pictures and let's me honest I have wanted to post everyone of them. As I would load a picture and post though I would ask myself is this the best avenue? right now? today? So far everyday the answer has been no! It has not yet been the right time where everyone involved will be protected for us to share Aiden and our story to the online world. Our families and friends have showered Aiden with love and he is been encircled in our family but not in my "social media family." Due to the nature of adoption, we have chosen alternative outlets to share. This is not because we are keeping a secret. It is because it is fair to Aiden's birth story that we be fair to his birth family and HIS story.  I have discovered the longer that we wait to share the more aware I am of what HIS story is and what is our story as a family. I am so excited soon to share our family story but as I have stated before Aiden' s story will be his to tell not mine. Unfortunately, there is also a significant amount of adoption shame that I never knew existed that I do not want to subject anyone to, not our birth families or our son. I only hope in the future that as we continue to grow in adoption we can continue to help our communities understand the beauty of adoption. I cannot say enough that birth families give they do not give up. They give life, they give first love, in adoption there is no giving up, only creating a family. It might be different than yours or different than even how adoptive families and birth families imagined but it is a family full of love and protection. When it comes to the ones we love, the ones we have been lucky enough to protect, we have to ask ourselves each time before we hit post whether this will affect their life. 

Today, is one of those days that I have written a blog that at least today will not see the public outlet but I miss blogging and I want to share something! 

3 months ago today the most amazing thing in my world happened! 
Our son was born! When I met him for the first time I thought my heart would explode but it just grew. It has grown more everyday since! Happy 3 months Aiden! You are everything to so many people! I am so proud to be your momma and watch you grow. 
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