I am at a time in my life where I have waited a long time for a lot of the dreams that are now coming to fulfillment. I have these weird feelings several days when I wake up to Aiden snoring or at night when he is splashing around in the tub! These feelings of deja vu, this feeling like I know what is going to happen next or I have been in this precise moment before. It feels like it was always supposed to be this way, a part of my heart has healed. It is not just feeling our family fulfilled it is feeling at home in a lot of aspects of my life.
Well, the time of my 1/2 distance Toughman Triathlon felt like it was building for a long time and then I was chilling on the crest of the wave waiting for the crash (and hopefully not a real crash).
The week started with my first true "Lord help me" mom moment. My parents, Jason, and Aiden were planning on coming to the race and plans just were not working out like we had originally thought. The weather looked looming, it was a long drive, you know how this story goes. Well I find myself bawling my eyes out in my car one day because I cannot imagine not seeing Aiden for that long and how stupid am I to have signed up for this race, LOL you also know how this saga goes! It turned out just fine Aiden, Jason, my mom, and dad all made it down Friday night, cheered me on all day Saturday, all is right with the world I did not have to go into crazy mom mode!
Saturday was beautiful. The 80% rain and severe thunderstorms rolled off the radar and it was a beautiful, partly sunny day! Jaclyn and I did our jog dive into the reservoir about 7:30 in the morning. I swam out 1, 2, 3, breath 1, 2, 3 breath sight ... hit the first orange bouy and around we go 1, 2, 3 breath 1, 2, 3 breath sight and so on. All I can see is the blue swim caps ahead of me I cannot sight the second orange bouy yet so I follow the masses. 1, 2, 3 breath 1, 2, 3 breath sight finally I see the last bouy and it all comes washing over me so fast. I felt like I had seen this before ( I had not) I knew in that instant that I was going to finish the race that day. I felt safe. I felt I was right where I was supposed to be. This feeling happened 2 more times that day once when I passed a tree on the bike the way the branch curled reminded me of something I had seen before again The Peace Feeling. Then on the run, my dad decided to run the last loop with me (Thank goodness!) I had never seen the run course but on the second loop we had to go to a deeper portion of the park. The whole time on the run I felt like I was going to run around a baseball diamond as we entered the latter part of the run there was a fenced in area in the park that was the baseball diamond I had been waiting on. It was so bizzarre. It was so amazing! It was more than I could have ever imagined! Things happened on the course that are unspeakable (peeing a lot of peeing LOL) but also amazing feats of perseverance and strength were demonstrated by all of the athletes! But all in all...
I finished my 70.3 (1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike, 13.1 mile run)!
At the finish line was...
my training partner Jaclyn who without I would have never been able to complete this feat
my team mates who endured beside me that day and allowed me to join the 70.3 club with them
my parents who have told me for years to exercise that it would level my head and help me feel better now I finally get what they were saying
(scary I am admitted my parents know a lot)
my husband who's dedication to our marriage and our family is unparalleled
and my son who is the one person that all this is for. It is to teach him he can do anything as long as it is for his happiness, for his peace, and for the betterment of himself!
I cannot thank everyone in my life enough for making all these possible! Thank you for helping me continue to appreciate my gifts and for continuing to help nourish myself, my marriage, my faith, and my family.
The whole race felt like deja vu... Which allows me to ask what do you feel when you are living the life that was meant for you? Is it deja vu because you are syncing with the life that God always planned for you?