

Monday, August 18, 2014

"This love will make you levitate"

Check out this new video that is trending nation wide. 
Lesson 1: Motherhood is going to be AWESOME... I got this we can rock out to Katy Perry, Spice Girls, Brittany Spears, Justin Timberlake, all the greats and our nights will be peaceful!!! 
All you mothers out there are probably cracking up right now but let me live in bliss. LOL

Lesson 2: It's Not Hard To Be Happy
I see this everyday. People literally ask me on a daily basis, "Are you always this happy?" I respond, "Pretty much." We all decide our fates. Happiness is the one thing in this world, you can truly control. Life is hard and it is unfair. You can spend your days scrolling Facebook wondering why me? why do I not have what she has" (It's called coveting even if its not another man's wife; its nasty envy). Or you can DANCE to Katy Perry. SMILE at people and say hello even if they don't say it back. You can LOVE people even when they break your heart or hurt your feelings. You can also WALK AWAY from stuff. I will be honest. Baby showers are one of my triggers. I love all my friends that are having babies truly but for some reason the showers get to me. I love buying gifts and taking them but I cannot sit there. So, I don't. I think my friends know I love them but I am choosing to be happy. I am choosing not to go home and cry about it. So, I go and show my love. I stay in contact in other ways. It's your choice, just be happy every day. If there are things in your job that are stressful on lunch go to the fish pond and eat. Sing out loud randomly at work even when everyone laughs at you. Raise your arms above your head and yell I am awesome. I promise this all works we do it daily at ISUPTSR. Find your thing but stop crying, stop frowning, and 


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