Then, he arrived and our whole world changed. I tried to stay calm to realize things could change too quickly, to try to remind myself this could be fleeting happiness but I looked into his eyes and I knew this would be my forever child no matter the circumstances. Then, May 6 arrived. We showed up to court and sat with another family. They had about 12 people in their with them. For us, it was me, Jason, and Aiden.... and that felt right. It has been the 3 of us since. I feel like we have this magical bond that only we understand. When we cuddle aiden a little too much, or when we make hard decisions about what is best for our family, or when we just sit and twist his curls in our hands and thank God for him, or when he is running around like a lunatic and we look at each other and say wow we are the luckiest parents in the world.
Our forever day was a just few hours in our little world but that is the day that we got to know what we had felt in our hearts since we heard his heart beat for the very first time from inside J's belly. We knew that we would be a family. All of us dysfunctional, funny, caring, tired, happy, and perfect. Happy forever day Aiden. You can never imagine they joy you have brought to us.
The timeline (short version)
Born 12/31/2014 at 6:38 am after 24+ hours of J laboring and no food! We were all starving and super sleepy until this bundle of joy finally arrived and we forgot all else!
Home from the hospital 1/1/2015 Happy New Year photo shoot at the house in the nursery with Bella MeMe. Hated pictures was cold and grumpy but happy to be in mama and dada arms!
Aiden Baptism at the catholic church 04/2015
Aiden adoption finalization in Charleston on 5/6/2015! Already busting out of 6 month clothes and about ready to hit a major growth spurt! Really started smiling the last month.

9 month photo shoot (right) starting his obsession with our Bella which would be his first true word (beyond mama, dada, and baba)
1 year photo shoot. It might not look like pure bliss to you but to us it is everything!
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