"And an angel said unto them, "Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people" John 2:10
All the time... GOD IS GOOD and God is good... ALL THE TIME. He has given us the most precious gift every day for our entire lives, the gift of forgiveness and love. God answers all prayers perfectly but at times it is hard to have full faith and allow him to lead you down a path. There was about a 3-4 month span of time that I did not attend church in the past year or so. It was hard to sing praises, smile, and believe that it was all for a greater good. This is one of my greatest and gravest mistakes. God loves Jason and I like he loves all of his children. Once, I allowed him into my life again and put my trust in His plan; we were lead on the amazing pathway of adoption. It has come with struggles but it has brought us more joy and peace than I ever imagined. God ALWAYS knows best.
This year, God gave us the second best present of our life. The first being His son.
The second being our son. Our little bundle of joy is set to be born the first week in March. We are overjoyed!
This year our greatest present is not under the tree....
No matter how hard bella looks!
So, here is our story so far of our baby boy!
On Wednesday, November 20th I was shopping at the mall for clothing for our family portraits. I was in the the dressing room at Macy's when my phone rang. I did not get to the phone in time. It was a number that I did not recognize. I never usually answer these calls or call back but for some reason I just pressed send immediately. The woman on the other end was Susan from our agency. She said "I have a couple of questions for you." She asked a few things to clarify from our matching document. Then she said, well you have been selected by a birth mother. I will let you know more as soon as we meet with her. I left all my clothes in the dressing room. Got lost in the store because I had no idea what door I came in. I ended up back in the women's department grab all the clothes bought them for me and my grandma. Walked around still in a daze. I had about 3 hours to kill before Jason was off work. Hardest procrastination I have ever done. Finally, Jason called and I was almost home. He had a missed call from the same number. I told him about the baby. He said that is awesome. We cannot get excited. This is what we kept telling ourselves for a week. There was no follow up call. I was dying of agony but I did not want to be oh you know that ever awful word for a woman "needy" LOL. We had our second adoption class the Saturday following Thanksgiving. After we arrived one of the ladies said congratulations are in order. I said "THEY ARE!!" We had not heard the finalization yet. We learned information about the birth mother but then class had to start. We tried to focus but well I am not good at that. Jason kept kicking me under the table as I was making a list on a receipt from my purse on things to ask once class ended. Once our agency confirmed we had be chosen; the waiting started for Baby W's arrival

It has been so fun celebrating the pending birth our son! Some general information: The birth mother maintains parental rights at this time. She has 72 hours after the birth then she may sign a surrender. This allows Jason and I to become the legal guardians and parents. Our adoption will be finalized after about 6-9 months. There are 3 follow up visits. Although the adoption is not finalized until 6-9 months unless their is a fault with legal paperwork (this is why you need a good agency and a lawyer that specializes in adoption) there is no relinquishment of us as parents. (SHEW big sigh of relief)
Our birth mother is giving us the greatest gift imaginable.
There are so many misunderstandings about birth mothers. No matter the circumstance she is giving a gift to the world and to us. It is hard to parent, it is hard to carry a child to term. There are easier options but she has chosen to carry our son. We pray everyday that Baby W's birth and adoption plan continue and he is born safe and sound. This is where the blog will change a little bit. This story is now Baby W's story. I am going to continue to share topics in general about infertility, adoption, raising Baby W, and his birth. Questions about Baby W birth mother, her story, his birth story, medical history, etc are all his story to tell. Whenever he is old enough if her chooses to tell it then he can. I have answered some questions but I would appreciate if a lot of the facts are not retold and are kept private. I love to share and we are excited that all of you are a part of our journey and will be a part of Baby W's life. Each of you are a great blessing.
Go spread the good word of Jesus' birth and the joy of Christmas and giving.
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