

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Nursery Highlight: Make Room for the Bed!

You know that feeling when you go on a shopping spree or you go junkin' then get home and think "Crap, Where is all this going?" Well, that is how I felt today as I put the crib up, but have no fear we will not be buying a new house; we made the crib fit so our mortgage will stay the same! 
My Grandma Hollingsworth has helped us out tremendelously as we prepare for the baby. First things first,"she said "You need a dishwasher." So for Christmas, she bought Jason and I a dishwasher which will come in handy with all the baby bottles and accessories that will need sanitized. 
We hate doing dishes! 

Then, she decided she would buy him the crib and mattress. I got a great steal at Target on a crib that had been returned (yes it is safe and all the parts are there). 

If any of you know my grandma, what does she say to do with any leftover money rather than return it to her? She says "get whatever else you need". Well, I used the term need a little loosely but... 


Photo who does not need a jacket with a cape?

 baskets for the bottom of the closet to accumulate junk;)
Photo of course a book on how to become a beloved owl! 

I think it all turned out quite cute. 
I cannot thank my Grandma enough. She is a strong woman. I talk about her constantly at therapy because I swear she would run any of those 20 year olds under the table. She is a little stubborn ( I get mine from her and my mom) but she would do anything for me or her family. I pray that whenever I am 80+ years old that I have 1/2 the life, spunk, generosity, and health that she does. Love you Grandma! 


  1. What a sweet entry to your blog! Getting excited for you!

  2. Thanks Peg. We are so excited! Thank you continuing to follow the blog throughout our journey!


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