

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Addicted to Blogging: A Response to Becoming A Nana

I read Cindy’s post…not just once but several times.  I couldn’t just hit “Like”  (I cannot believe my mother in law is getting so savvy she knows the like button LOL) and I wanted to say more than just “Comment”.   We are the best of friends…we go back a few years and do lots of things together.  We always say that we were friends before our kids ever got together.   We have walked the streets for several years…. so it was during those walks that we cussed and discussed everything that was going on in our lives.   When we received news there was an adoption in the works it was quite the topic of conversation….she spoke of her dreams of being “Nana”, and I’d like to reflect back on the events of that day…….

It started out as just another Saturday.  I had gone to Terre Haute and was just wandering around doing my thing and my phone rings, it was Nicole, “we received the call the baby is on the way and I’m waiting for Jason to get home from work so we can head that way”.  Jason had to be in Indy very early that morning to take a Master Electrician test and then he had planned to go onto work, little did he know the events that would take place that day.
I was so excited, I gathered my belongings and wanted to tell the world.  I remember running into Diane, she was the perfect person to see and tell of our news, Jason always thought the world of her… I think it’s those blackberry pies she made for himJ.  It was joyous news and we were just ecstatic knowing we would get to meet that little bundle very soon.  I continued to wander around on cloud nine doing my own little thing.  A couple hours later I was leaving the mall and I get another phone call…this time it is Jason….”mom, where are you ,why haven’t you been answering your phone?  We’ve been trying to reach you (I have a heck of a time hearing my phone and sometimes it’s a challenge just to answer it) but he proceeded to tell me “there was a problem, she has changed her mind and everything was on hold”.  I was in disbelief but it was something I always knew could possibly happen.  I wasn’t bitter or sad….I think it was more like devastated!  It was like losing a child, but we never held or laid eyes on this baby.  We had no choice but to pick up the pieces and go on with our lives for there was no other option.  I continue to think of that baby for he is one that I pray has a good life and think of what could had been.

You think you are the only one that experiences something like this but come to find out it happens more than you think.  It’s just not a “club” you want to belong to.

While watching my kids and grandkids grow we have become members of other “clubs” diabetes, celiac, anxiety, hemangioma…terms that I’ve learned about the hard way.  Once again, I ask myself “WHY” and try to understand.  I have no answer, but the big guy up above has a plan for us all.  I continue to feel blessed for my family & friends and I’m amazed at how strong Jason & Nicole continue to be.  I think I’ve learned something from them both, Nicole’s posts are so inspiring!   Have faith and continue to believe that someday soon we will be blessed with that bundle of joy for good things happen to good people.

Joyce (grandma)


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