The more I dive into the world of adoption the more I learn about adoption and about myself. It is crazy to me that two years ago, I did not know any of the information that I know now. Nor did I realize the amount of advocacy that is important in adoption. There are so many children in foster care that need to be adopted. That is the reason for National Adoption Month. The goal is to bring awareness to 102,000 children that are currently in foster care waiting for forever families. I am sure most of you did not get the oppurunity to read the recent post from Scary Mommy that was highlighted by The R House. The Child I didn't adopt really touched me in ways I still do not fully grasp. There has been a lot of heart ache throughout the adoption process. There is also this new knowledge that I know we have more heartache, joy, struggles, and triumphs to come. I truly do believe that we are called on this journey. I do not know where it will take us and sometimes this road knows how to truly breaks us down. After reading this article and seeing many others about adoption though, the question really comes HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH?
How much is enough to start your family, how much is enough for a child that needs a forever family, how much money is enough or too much, how much sacrifice is enough? The answer for me right now is that only love is enough and we cannot be scared to share the love we have. The truth is that people will question your decisions, there will be times that you will cry, there will be just as many people that think that you saved a child and expect you are a version of a saint. None of that matters because the child that you bring into your family will make your family perfect, whole, and FOREVER. The love that your child will teach you, that you are capable of will astonish you at every turn. When you look at your son or daughter, you will never question your decision to make a forever family for a child through adoption. The ugly truth is that over 1/3 of Americans have considered adoption but only 2% have actually adopted.
This year's theme of Adoption Month is Promoting and Supporting Sibling Connections. Studies have shown that keeping siblings together allows for better adjustment and more healthy interactions. is also asking what adoption means to each of us so I will be sharing over the next month what adoption means to me, Jason, our families, and our friends.
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