

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Adoption Is So Famous

"The words adoption, birth mothers [and] orphanages are happy words in our household, and we talk about those subjects all the time," Jolie, 35

Adoption has been around throughout celebrity adoptions and the movies for many years. Different adoptions themes are demonstrated in celebrity magazines, in children and adult movies. I recently shared a status about Closure. It is a new documentary about open adoptions and is being shared in adoption communities. Documentaries and children's films alike continue to raise awareness about adoption and foster care. When I was researching to write this blog post I found a lot of articles talking about various adoption movies and had some strong opinions about the right portrayal of adoption. Some of these articles stated, Kung Fu Panda was a poor representation of adoption. Articles reporting poor understandings of Closure and other documentary films even questioning if they are good to watch. I think continued exposure to adoption from different realms is important. It is important in films as well as conversation to be respectful of someone's history (because that is what you are asking when you want to know how someone was adopted). Everyone's experience with adoption is different and enlightening. Everyone has their own struggles and ease and even things that might not be politically correct but we are all FAMILY. And the joy of FAMILY is we are all a little dysfunctional! (Or at least ours is). Happy National Adoption Month!    

Connie Chung is not only a news anchor, but also a proud adoptive parent.
“Oh no. He’s our son. He was meant to be ours…he was meant to be matched with us. So it’s perfect.” (In response to an interview question if adoption causes her to look at her son differently)

Michael Reagan is not only the son of a U.S. president but also an adopted child.
“My adoption was treated as a celebration.”

Martian Child: David: Sometimes we forget that children have just arrived on the earth. They are a little like aliens, coming into beings as bundles of energy and pure potential, here on some exploratory mission and they are just trying to learn what it means to be human. For some reason Dennis and I reached out into the universe and found each other, Never really know how or why. And discovered that I can love an alien and he can love a creature. And thats weird enough for both of us.


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