Reason for the Season
I was going to post this on Mother's Day but needed to check some things before I posted the information.... So here is the Mother's Day post!
Christmas is the big holiday where you will see a lot of posts, articles, etc about remembering the reason for the season. Remembering that it is not just a big celebration of gifts but there is a bigger meaning. The same can be said for Mother's Day.
This day is day to celebrate the greatest creations that are in our lives, our children. It is to remind us that all of the messes, the late nights, houses littered with toys, all of mistakes, and triumphs are worth it because they are helping to mold our children. It is also a day when our kids and spouses take time to say Mom, we love you and you are awesome! Which let's be honest in the day to day grind sometimes we all forget to give credit ( I know I forget to tell my spouse how amazing he is!) This is day is more than making sure you have a gift waiting for you. This day should be about the simple things and taking those simple things and letting them fill your heart so the time you are frustrated you remember the look on your kiddos face when he handed you his messy painting or the first time they bought you a card on their own.
The second thing, this day is about since I am an adoptive mother is our son's other mother. Saturday before Mother's Day is Birth Mother's Day. It is a day to remember the reason that you have the joy to be a mother. It is a day to celebrate your birth mother. No matter the level of your adoption open to closed and all things in between. Sit down with your child, tell them what you know about the birth family if anything. This is a day to celebrate but also do not remember that this is a day that our birth mothers are reminded of the fact that they are mother's too! So send them a message, send them a gift, go and visit but just remember that no matter what they have given you an amazing gift. J gave me the gift to be a mother. I will be forever in her debt. I smile everyday at Baby A because I am blessed.
Today is the day I celebrate being a mother and I also celebrate J! I celebrate all of the Mother's out there! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!
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