A great friend this week convinced me to stop being grumpy and write down 10 things I was thankful for, well I wrote a really ridiculous list that made her laugh and me laugh too but then that night on my drive home I realized how many times lately on my drive that I have looked up and said "Thank you God" for today, for people, and for my life. When people ask me why I drive an hour to and from work everyday, I say because it is worth it for my job or because I get the time to decompress. Those are honest answers but there is another one that I did not realize until recently, it is my time to be close to God and to think about my life. The list below is long and slightly obnoxious. I do not want anyone out there that is struggling to think I feel this way every moment. It is easy to be happy, grateful, and full of promise on paper. I struggle everyday but also it is amazing once you start writing it down you really do see so clearly how much you have. Please know I cry like the rest of you and have written journal entries about how unfair my life is, etc. But this is truly the things I know in my heart and soul, it is just easy to forget the good. So here is the things that I am thankful for everyday but I will share them with you on Thanksgiving!
- For my co-workers. This is past and present. From the past, I worked for the first time with physical therapy assistants. Wow, if anyone ever thinks that a two year degree is not enough they have not worked with these ladies. They took me under their wing (especially my honey badger). They gave me the confidence to be the professional I am now and taught me so many exercises and manual therapy techniques that I still use. All these co-workers also taught me what work ethic means. I did not learn these lessons in school I learned them from my co-workers.
- For my work connections and friendships. In the past 2 years, I have developed so many great friendships. These men and women are active, down to earth, and downright crazy. I cannot say enough about the great times we have had and I know there are more to come. I would do anything for them and I know the same is true for them as well.

- My family. Immediate. My parents are AWESOME. Goodness, I never thought that would come out of mouth and I did not even choke on it. Really, my mom ran her first 1/2 marathon this year. She never thought she could be athletic. She is being healthy, athletic, and works harder than anyone I know. She does all of this while calling and reminding me of my appointments, important dates, etc.
- Niece and Nephew. You already know from past posts that I adore them!!! And this is already crazy long so I won't go into more details. Distant Family. I could go on for days about my distant family as well but let's brief it up and say I love my aunts and uncles, they have the marriages that make you believe in the long lasting, miracle kind of love. Jason and I are so lucky to have great role models. My grandparents (maternal and paternal) are active in their community, put family first, and really have the value of life down to an art. I hope they continue to teach me what matters. My puppies. Even though ace is gone I still miss him like crazy and I know he watches over Jason and I everyday. Bella is a crazy puppy and so spoiled but cuddling with our "sweets" every night makes Jason and I feel like a whole family even while we wait for our baby.
- My friend family. There is a long post to come next week that I am finishing the touches on so check that out next week. But in short to the people that know my life better than anyone else (you know who you are). Thank you for letting me cry on your shoulders, for telling me to suck it up while at the same time rubbing my back, thanks for admitting when you do not know what to say, and for supporting me throughout every decision in my life. You have been there for the roughest and the best parts. I cannot be thankful enough for your friendship. Without it I know I would not be here writing this post.
- My husband. I could go on for days. Jason is my soul mate. He allows me to be whoever I want to be. He loves me and honestly sees me in the best light. He holds my hand and makes me feel beautiful. This man cleans the house, makes me dinner, supports my dreams, makes me laugh, and shares something with me that no one in this world will ever understand. Without him, I would not get out of bed each day and put on a smile. Without him I would not feel light as a feather and free. He truly is EVERYTHING!